Businessman in a hurry checking time.

Avoiding End-Project Frenzy: 6 Tips

Not all rush printing can be avoided, but here are six tips to help you circumvent that last minute scramble to get everything done.

  1. Expect the Unexpected
    Remember that according to Murphy’s Law, if something can go wrong it probably will… And while this isn’t always the case, it’s important to take that into consideration and add a little extra time.
  2. Factor Ship Time
    If shipping is involved, remember that shipping takes time. International shipping takes longer and can involve dealing with customs. Too, if your order is shipped during a time of year with bad weather, definitely a good idea to add an extra day or two to the timeline. If you factor in enough time, you can avoid the large cost of overnight shipping which can sometimes cost more than the product being shipped.
  3. Creative Timeline
    Printing is the end result to the approved design. If you are out of time and unhappy with the final design, artwork, headline, call to action, or overall marketing message then nobody wins. If your designer gives you a timeline of a week to complete the creative, you may want to add another 2 day cushion to play it safe. As a creative professional myself, I sometimes need time to simply take a step back and give my subconscious a chance to work out a design challenge.
  4. Complexity = Time
    While most print jobs are pretty straight forward, there will come a time when your marketing material will require some specialty finishing (i.e. foil stamping, custom die-cutting, perforation, unique creasing or folding, etc.). Take into consideration that specialty finishing can double or even triple the time needed to complete all of the design, pre-press, production, and finishing stages.
  5. Early Bird
    For clarity and piece of mind, if you have a hard deadline, it’s typically a good idea to let us know in advance so that we can reverse engineer the project and provide you with an accurate timeline.
  6. Prioritize Planning
    From the moment you know that you’ll need printed materials, “The Plan” should take top priority. Regardless if you have all of the project specifications or not, you can set “The Plan” into motion by contacting us for recommendations, deliverable timelines, and design options. Remember, we pride ourselves on being a part of your team and we treat your project as if it’s our own.

What if a RUSH order can’t be avoided?
Not a problem. As a forward thinking, client driven company, nSymbio, Inc. has created the perfect platform for your Sales, Human Resources, or Business Operations Department to fulfill their RUSH printing needs. nSymbio is proud to present, our newest product specifically designed for the Professional in a rush.

Come and See What We Created for You:

About The Author

Adam Mason
Creative Leader | Solutions Manager - Seasoned creative professional wielding two decades of advertising, marketing, and design experience, with a strong focus in delivering strategic and impactful creative solutions to differentiate and inspire brand identity.
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